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Regulation for Bachelor of Arts,Sciecnce&Commerce (General/Honours) Examination

The Bachelor of Art (General/Honours) Course shall cover a period of three academic years and shall be know in the first year of study as the B.A(general/Honours) part-I in the second year of study as the B.A.(General/Honours) Part-II and in the third year of study as the B.A(General/Honours)Part-II Course.

Qualifications for Admission :

A student may be admitted to the course of instructions for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (Gereral/Honours) if he has passed the intermediate examination in Art/Science of a Board/University established or incorporated by law or any other examination recognized by the University as equivalent three to. that for admission to the course of instructions for the Honours degree in any subject concerned, it shall be necessary for a student to have obtained not less than 45% marks at the intermediate examination in the subject, or in an allied subject as determined by the Academic Council in case the subject was not prescribed for study at the intermediate level. Provide further that a student shall be eligible for admission to the Honours course in any Subject even thought he has not studied the subject concerned at the intermediate stage if he has passed the intermediate examination in Science or Commerce with not less than 45% marks in the aggregate.

Regulation for Bachelor of Science (General/Honours)Examination

The Bachelor of Science (General/Honours)Course shall cover a period of three academic years and shall be Known in the first year of study as the B.Sc. (General/Honours) part-I , in the second year of study as the B.Sc.(General /Honours)Part-II, in the third year of study as the B.Sc.(General/Honours)Part-III

Qualifications for Admission :

A student may be admitted to the Course of instructions for the degree of Bachelor of Science (General/Honours0if he has passed the intermediate examination in Science of a Board/University established or incorporated by Law or any other examination recognized by the University as equivalent there to. Provided that for as mission to the course of instructions for the Honours degree it shall be necessary for a student to have obtained not less than 45% marks at the Intermediate examination in the subject offered for Honours study , or in an allied subject as determined by the Academic council in case the subject was not prescribed for study at the Intermediate level.

Regulation for Bachelor of commerce (General/Honours) Examination (Three Year Degree Course)

The Bachelor of Commerce of (General/Honours)Course shall cove a period of three academic years and shall be Know in the first year of study as the B.Com (General/Honours Part-I) in the second year of study as the B.Com(General/Honours) Part-II and in the third year of study as the B.Com(General/Honours)Part-II Cours.

Qualifications for Admission :

A student may be admitted to the course of instructions for the degree of Bachelor of Commerce (General/Honours)if he /she has passed the intermediate examination in Commerce of Board/University established or incorporated by law or any other examination recognized by the university as equivalent there to . Provided that a student who has passed the intermediate examination in Arts or Science shall also be eligible for admission to the Bachelor of Commerce (General) Course if he /she has obtained a minimum of 45% marks in the aggregate I.A.or I.Sc. Examination. A student may be admitted to the Course of instruction for the degree of Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) of he/She has passed the intermediate examination in commerce of a Board/University established or incorporated by law or any other examination recognized by the University as equivalent there to obtaining not less than 45% marks in the Commerce Subjects /group of concerned subjects. Provided that student, who has passed the intermediate examination in Arts or Science shall also be eligible for admission to the Bachelor of Commerce(Honours)Course if he has obtained a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate at the I.A.or I.Sc. Examination.

News & Events

  • SBSSPSJ College admission is going on

    Admission is going on for D-2 session 2015-16 Applications are invited for admission in the first year (B.A.,B.Sc.&B.Com.) for session 2016-17.

  • SBSSPSJ College annual sports 2015

    Annual sports 2015 in items like Shotput ,Javeline Throw,Discus Throw,High Jump,etc.held in month of March.

  • Prize distribution ceremony

    Prize distribution ceremony organised by the College,the chief guest was Deputy Commissioner of Godda.

  • NSS special camp organised

    A week long NSS special camp organised by the College Units. In December 2015. Volunteers participated in the camp to generate awareness regarding Health, Hygiene, and legal awareness among the People of neighbouring villages.